Thursday, 1 May 2008

Rubiks world

With Nintendo's "Casual" Gaming policy proving to be somewhat of a financial success (even if the games do suck) its not a surprise that every development team and their dog are jumping onto the Wii Bandwagon.

Rubik's World, from developers Two Tribes (Worms open warfare 2) is apparently a game for anyone who wondered what the inside of a Rubik's cube looked like (if these people actually exist that is).
"Using TARDIS-like technology, the cubes contain entire 3D worlds, each made up of unique and original puzzles.

Players will be able to construct 3D shapes and objects, navigate through mazes and even create their own soundtracks.

The DS version will be supported with an online community that players can wirelessly connect to, and the Wii version can support up to four people and will feature an online message board".
Rubik's World is expected sometime this Autumn.

Source: CVG

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