Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley had this to say about the subject:
"I think MMOs are going to be a real strong selling point for the PS3 long term - there's going to be some great ones on the PS3."For those unaware, The Agency is a massively multiplayer online shooter currently in development by Sony Online Entertainment for the PS3.
"You're not going to find "The Agency" on the [Xbox 360]," he added
So yes he is right that the agency wont appear on the Xbox 360, seeing as Sony are developing it that's perfectly logical, however there isnt any reason why the 360 couldnt play a game like the agency, in fact Xbox Live is the perfect platform for a title like it. It is good to see Sony promising more and more support for the PSN service. In its current state its not in the same league as Xbox live, the MGO beta which was the ps3's first real online test will have highlighted a lot of issues for sony to take into account.
Source: CVG
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