Metal Gear Solid is renowned for lengthy cut scenes but i doubt even the most hardcore fan was expecting something quite this big, however the good news is that you can pause and skip the cut scene clips, just in case nature calls (or you are on you're 3rd play through and sick of them).
"MGS4's story is massive. The videogame equivalent of all three Godfather movies on one disc,"Metal Gear Solid 4 launches June 12th so get ready for some monster play sessions if yhou want to get the game finished quickly.
"As you'd expect, you'll spend a lot of time watching cut-scenes, so if you found previous games' story exposition laborious, then you'd better find yourself a nice cushion and plenty of teabags in readiness for MGS4's.
"They can be skipped, but you'll be missing out on some of the finally crafted examples of FMV footage anywhere in gaming,"
Source: CVG
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