Monday, 11 August 2008

New Lara Croft Model

With a new Tomb Raider game nearing completion, it seems inevitable that it will be accompanied with a new Lara Croft model, this time is no exception, with receptionist Alison Carroll being plucked from obscurity by Eidos to don the tiny shorts of gamings most recognisable heroine.
She's "stunning and single" proclaims The Sun newspaper, who got right in there and picked her brains.

"I'm single and having fun, I'm not looking for a long-term relationship as most men can't keep up with me. But playing Lara Croft, the sexiest game heroine there is, should get me a few more dates!"
Just what was wrong with the old model I don't know, regardless, expect to see miss Carroll at future gaming events, dual pistols in hand.

Source: CVG

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