Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Resident Evil aprrox 60% complete and to last 20 hours

Speaking through a translator, Resident Evil 5 producer Jun Takeuchi has announced that the game is currently about 60% finished.
"Right now, in the development process we're about 60 percent of the way through
He also stated that Capcom expect the final version of the game to have approximately 20 hours of gameplay time.
"We're figuring that the total play time in the game will be over 20 hours."
This is a decent amount of time for a single player game, not too short but also not dragging it out too much. Resident Evil 4 took me 24 hours to complete on my first play through so this seems like a pretty fair prediction. Presumably this means 20 hours for the campaign mode and doesn't include the extra features and mini games such as mercenary mode which we expect to see.

Source: Joystiq

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