He revealed that when they decided to focus on the Virus' origins for the fifth game, Africa had to be the destination for the game to be set in.
"The main reason that we chose Africa as the setting for Resident Evil 5 is actually from a clue that came up in Resident Evil: Code Veronica, where it was revealed that Africa was the original of the Progenitor Virus, which is the origin of all the viruses that appear in the series," .One question that still remains for fans of the series is, what exactly has happened to the Umbrella coporation. Takeuchi has revealed that this question will be very important in the game and will answer a number of questions the series has so far raised.
"It's been ten years since the events of Resident Evil 1. One little hint we can give you is that Chris is no longer a member of S.T.A.R.S. and S.T.A.R.S. itself as an organisation is defunct. You might see a little mark on his arm that talks about the new organisation that he's a member of. Who that organisation is and what they're up to, that's going to be another important element of the story."
"In terms of timeline the game does take place shortly after Resident Evil 4 and over the course of the game you will find out exactly what happened to Umbrella and certainly where the story is going to go from here for the continuation of the series."So, does this mean that Resident Evil 5 wont be the last in the series ? Judging by the massive success of Resident Evil 4 and the hype surrounding Resi 5 it seems hard to believe that Capcom would finish one of its most popular and successful current series.
Source: CVG
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