There are in total 5 pieces of art work which show the style and direction the team at Insomniac were trying to re-create, the artwork is heavily influenced by posters and style of the time of the Second World War, trying to look like a newspaper from the time period the game is set in.
Secondly (and more interestingly), Gamepro have revealed the first Boss we know of in Resistance 2, named " The Leviathan", this giant thing stands at 300ft in height and is said to "be guarding a crucial secret in Chicago".
The Leviathan is a 300-foot tall Chimera, capable of leveling buildings and aircraft with each swipe of its massive arms.If you hadnt already guessed, the game is set in the United States this time, as opposed to first title which was set in England. Expect to see more of Resistance 2 (and probably the Leviathan) at E3 this month.
Source: Internal and Gamepro
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