Thursday, 31 July 2008

PixelJunk Eden Heads the PSN Charge

Its update time again in Sony's online world and this week its PixelJunk Eden leading the charge.

Eden, which is the 3rd PSN title in the PixelJunk range, has been described by developer Q Games as an "Organic Mario".
Eden costs GBP 4.99 and puts you in the role of a little blob, bouncing around while eating pollen and birthing flowers and becoming part of the environment.

Otherwise the PSN cupboards offer trailers for Prince of Persia, The Last Guy, and Movement, the weird SingStar show that searches Europe for musical talent.
Thats it for another week then, Eden certainly looks like a decent PSN title.

Source: Eurogamer

PixelJunk Eden Heads the PSN cHARG

No Echochrome sequel from Sony Japan Studios

Two of the guys behind Sony Japan's PSN/PSP gravity defying hit Echochrome have told Eurogamer not to expect a sequel from them.

Producer Tatsuya Suzuki and Kyushu University's Jun Fujiki - whose academic research into realising "trick imagery" in 3D inspired echochrome in the first place - were chatting to us at the Develop conference in Brighton.

It took a bit of discussion before they could work out whether they were allowed to say anything, but eventually, Fujiki told us starkly that "we're not doing a sequel - we're not doing echochrome 2"
Don't be disheartened though Echochrome fans, because Fujiki has said that he would like to work with Sony's development studios again.

Source: Eurogamer

Madden Demo is Live

If you're looking to try-out Madden 2009 or FaceBreaker then you are in luck because demo's of both games have been released on Xbox Live Marketplace.

The Madden demo weighs in at 1.08GB's and allows the player a taste of the impending 09 action to come.

Source: Kotaku

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

My Items for Sale - DAEDALUS79

Here's a List of all the items I currently have for sale, contact me via pm @ CVG if you wish to purchase/trade an item:

For Sale - No prices, make me an offer if your interested

* Tomb Raider collection (1-8 )
* Xbox 360 games bundle:
- Pro evo 6
- Condemned 1
- Ghost recon advanced warfighter 1
- King of fighters 2002 (xbox)

* Project gotham racing 4
* Formula 1: CE (ps3)
* Prince of Persia rival swords (psp)
* Fifa 2008 (360)

* BiOrb 30 litre fish tank with led light
* The Bourne Collection (DVD)
* PCZONE magazine issues 137-181
* Samsung E900 mobile phone with accessories (orange)
* Nokia 6630 mobile phone (unlocked)


Siren: new translation
Assassination of jesse james (HD version)
Lucky number slevin (HD version)
The Departed (HD version)

Space Siege Demo Released

Gas Powered Games has released the demo for Space Siege, the spiritual successor to Dungeon Siege.

Sega who are publishi9ng the game recently confirmed that Space Siege will be released on August 22nd.

It's available on File Shack right this second and clocks in at only 935mb, so it shouldn't take too long at all.

Source: CVG

Gears 2 Lancer Questions Answered.

The announcement that a special edition version of Gears of War 2 will include a replica Lancer rifle has had fans of the series wetting themselves with excitement. However, since then there seem to have been some issues with pricing that have caused some confusion.

Joystiq spoke to Amazon to try and clear up some of the issues:
  • Amazon is the exclusive U.S. retailer of the GoW collector's lancer.
  • Amazon will offer the lancer as a bundle with GoW 2.
  • Pricing for the bundle is not yet confirmed.
  • A detail page for the product bundle will go live on the site this week and if pricing is still to be confirmed at that time, customers can sign up to get an email notification for when the product is available for pre-order.
The price hasn't been confirmed yet but im sure that some fans will be buying it regardless of cost.

Source: Joystiq

Mass Effect DLC Released

Bioware has released the downloadable content pack 'Bring Down the Sky' for Mass Effect on PC alongside a patch to fix some bugs the game has.
Bring Down the Sky was originally made available on Xbox 360 for 400 Microsoft points. It contains a new uncharted world that introduces the Batarian race, around ninety minutes of gameplay and an original soundtrack.
The downloadable pack is available for FREE on the pc, to get it you need to boot up your copy and follow the on-screen instructions.

Source: CVG

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Wii Music Dated for Japan

According to sources, Nintendo has just announced the release date for Wii Music, the game is set to release in Japan on October 16th. Nothing Official has been set yet and there is no word of any release date for outside of Japan.

Source: Videogaming247

Siren Price Raised and Released

SCEE has released Siren: Bloody Curse onto the Playstation Store today, however the game has been priced higer that was originally announced.

The game is split into 12 episodes with 4 packs of 3 for sale, they were originally stated to cost £4.99 but they are now £6.99 each, raising the overall cost of the series of packs to £27.96.

Source: Videogaming247

Gears Statues Appear

At the end of last year, Mindzeye Studios announced that they would be releasing a set of Gears of War themed statues, from the Epic Games series.

Mindzeye have updated their website today and have show-off the three models fans have been waiting for. There are three statues in total one of: Marcus Phoenix, Dominic Santiago and a Boomer (see above).

The statues are available in bronze or platinum coloured. They're limited to 1000 Bronze & 1000 Platinum pieces each. The Marcus and Dom statues are $195.00 each, while the Boomer statue is $250.

Source: Gamingbits

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

LittleBigPlanet Box Art Revealed

This is apparently the official box art for Sony's upcoming "build em up" title, LittleBigPlanet.

The image comes from what i believe is a Deutsch website, i cant read what it says though so translations are most welcome.


Resi evil 5 on wii

Simon Jeffrey, President of Sega America has today let slip that Resident Evil 5 will he appearing on the Nintendo Wii.
Discussing Nintendo's focus on the core gaming market, Jeffrey said: "The Wii's selling incredible amounts of hardware, but Nintendo knows it needs to expand the demographic. It needs to connect with the core gaming demographic."

He then added: "Resident Evil 5 - when that happens on the Wii that's going to help."

We scrambled for the phone to speak with Capcom who's 'funny' spokesperson gave us this comment: "We have nothing further to announce regarding Resident Evil 5 at this time," adding, sarcastically: "Did you hear about the Sonic MMO, though, for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, DS and Megadrive? And they're bringing back the Dreamcast! Because it was brilliant."
So there you have it, makes sense really, seeing how popular the Wii is and how good Resi evil 4 was on it.

Source: CVG

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Left 4 Dead Box Art

Valve has released images of what the final box art for its zombie title Left 4 Dead will look like.

As you can see, the box art shows off a mutilated green hand with four fingers and not much else.

Source: Planetxbox360

Friday, 18 July 2008

Valve confirms new 360 projects

Valve's Doug Lombardi has today reiterated the companies disinterest in developing on the Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii platforms by confirming tha they have new projects coming to the Xbox 360 and presumably the PC.

He also stated that Portal: Still Alive, which was announced by Microsoft at their E3 conference on Monday, is an extended version of the original portal (Orange box) with several new challenges included.
“[Portal: Still Alive is] another way for people to experience Portal, without having to buy the full Orange Box,” said.
Source: Videogaming247

LittleBigPlanet site up and running

The Official site for LittleBigPlanet is now open for business, you can view it by clicking on this link here.

The site whilst a little empty at the moment does have some cool trailers and wallpapers and will host screenshots and news on the upcoming Playstation 3 title.

Source: Videogaming247

PlyTV dated

SCEE president David Reeves has revealed that PlayTV will launch in Europe from September to December, with the first date being September 10th.

Reeves also added that a digital recorder will allow users to record TV whilst playing games.
"Yep, it's going to be 10th September that PlayTV comes out,"

Asked if Sony had overcome technical hurdles and definitely planned to let you record TV at the same time as playing games, he said: "We do, yep."

"It was very difficult for some of the tech guys but we had to include it in the firmware upgrade, 2.41, but it's done now," he said, so in theory if your PS3 is up to date you're all set for the 10th September launch.

Reeves announced at PlayStation Day in May that PlayTV would cost EUR 99 when it launched in September, but was unable to nail down a date.

Sounding good then, hopefully this feature wont be hit by sony's recent "delay plague".

Source: Eurogamer

LittleBigPlanet Screens

A load of new LittleBigPlanet screens have emerged on the internet today, courtesy of Gamershell.

There are 16 screenshots in total, all giving an insight into the LBP world, showing off the in-game construction and customisation features, it all looks very nice to me.

Source: Gamershell

Wii Wireless Keyboard Revealed

Logitech has revealed that it is making a wireless Keyboard for the Nintendo Wii.

The keyboard's wireless functionality is based upon a USB 2.4-GHz dongle that plugs into the Wii. Logitech plans to launch the Cordless Keyboard for Wii in August, priced at a pretty reasonable $49.99.

Source: IGN

Thursday, 17 July 2008

More Banjo Screenies

Rare have released another batch of screenshots from its upcoming title Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.

There are in total 12 screens for you to check out, 3 here and the rest are available by clicking the source link. Enjoy.

Source: CVG

Halo 4 Revealed ?

Prior to E3, it was highly rumoured that Bungie were set to reveal another Halo project, well now that E3 has come and gone many were left wondering if it was going to happen. That was until a few moments ago when Xbox senior VP Don Mattrick seemingly confirm it.
Speaking to the LA Times, Mattrick admitted that Bungie is in fact working on a new Halo game, and that it was originally planned to appear at Microsoft's E3 press conference earlier this week.
According to Don, the Bungie title was pulled at the last minute to trim the Xbox presentation to under 90 minutes. "We had an embarrassment of riches," Mattrick said. "We felt we could do this game more justice with a more dedicated event."
The positive bit, he said, is that Microsoft has built such a solid foundation that it no longer needs to depend on one or two games to succeed. "Two big kahunas were left out of the show, and we were still able to deliver a strong performance," he commented.
So, it would seem that another Halo project is happening and will remain exclusive to Microsoft. We expect to see and hear more at TGS 08 if not before.

Source: CVG

80GB PS3 To Hit Europe as Well.

SCEE boss David Reeves has revealed that the 80GB PlayStation 3 SKU has confirmed that the 80GB which was announced for release in the US at E3 will make it ways over to Europe on August 27th, however the video service will not arrive in Europe this year.

"Generally, everything that Jack Tretton laid out [in the Sony press conference], with only two exceptions, pertains exactly to the PAL markets," he said. "This is symptomatic of the fact that our company is getting more global, and more consistent - the exceptions are the video download service and some of the specifics of the PSP and PS2 promotions.

"PS3 80GB - we will introduce this in the PAL markets on August 27, it will be a simultaneous release. It will come in at EUR 399, GBP 299, and we will be doing promotional bundles from the middle of September to the end of December at various prices…the 80GB replaces the 40GB.

"We will launch Platinum for PS3 on August 1, so that's the same time frame as North America. The suggested retail price will be EUR 29.99 and GBP 19.99."


Playstation Platinum Range Priced and Dated

Sony have revealed the first titles in its Platinum budget range for Europe.
Initial first-party games will be Resistance: Fall of Man, Heavenly Sword, MotorStorm, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Ratchet & Clank 3.

Virtua Tennis 3 from SEGA and Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft will be the first third-party titles, followed by WWE SmackDown vs. RAW 2008 "later in September," according to SCEE boss David Reeves.
The platinum range will hit stores on August 1st and will be priced at £19.99/$29.99. Reeves has also stated that ten further titles will appear in the ranger between September and the end of November.


Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Bioshock DLC announced

During its E3 conference, Bioshock developer has announced that the Playstation 3 version of Bioshock will feature exclusive downloadable content in the form of "challenge rooms".
Created by a small team at original developers 2K Boston, Challenge Rooms will encourage players to delve deeper into the game's unique toolset, using their plasmids to solve a more puzzle-oriented challenge.
Sounds like it could be a very good idea, possibly something that if received well will translate over to Bioshock 2.

Source: Eurogamer

New Xbox Themes

Since Microsoft revealed the new look for the Xbox 360 Dashboard, many people have been asking how themes will look with the new look, many unconvinced. To try and answer the question, Major Larry Nelson has revealed what the new look themes could look like.

Releasing these images on his site, it shows how themes will be incorporated with the new look dashboard, i for one am very impressed with the new look.

Whilst this looks good, nothing has been said as to whether peoples existing themes will work, after people have paid for themes, they may be annoyed to lose them.

Leave us a comment on your thoughts, do you like the new look or did you prefer the old one ?

Source: Major Nelson

Silent Hill Homecoming Screens

Konami have released a load of new screens for theig upcoming trip into evil town "Silent Hill: Homecoming".

As you can see the game has mist, evil dogs and sexy evil nurses by the barrel load, this game looks to be shaping up nicely.

Hit the source link for a few extra screens.

Source: Gameslave

Tomb Raider Underworld Screens

Eidos have released a few more Tomb Raider: Underworld screenshots at E3 2008.

The shots accompany a gameplay trailer that they also exhibited at the show. The video which can be viewed here shows off the underwater level with some brief glimpses of the Kraken boss we've been hearing about.

Source: Internal