"What we wanted was the feeling when you saw GTA III after GTA II", he said in an interview with Variety. "The feeling when [you] see IV compared to III, hopefully it's not difficult to see differences."Houser also touched upon the need to protect the Grand Theft Auto license from exploitation, debunking any remaining rumours for a movie adaptation.
"The intellectual property is the main asset in the company. That's why 'GTA' is still relevant ten years later. We haven't put one out every year. We haven't fleeced it. And we haven't put it on 50 different formats.Its safe to assume that GTA 4 will sell well, frankly Rockstar could have got a copy of GTA3, stuck a "4" sticker on the box and it still would have sold by the bucket load. Grand Theft Auto 4 is set for a worldwide launch this in just over a weeks time on 29th April...like you didn't already know.
"We're not per se against moving properties between different media but for GTA it just seems so perfect as a game. You lose a lot of what makes it what it is if you move it into being, say, a movie. It just never seemed interesting creatively".
Source: CVG
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