Tuesday, 1 April 2008

CoD 4 DLC delay ?

If the internet is to be believed then Call of Duty 4's much anticipated Downloadable content is to be delayed. The original release date for the new maps was supposed to be April 3rd (this Friday), however recent reports on the internet suggest that the date may be pushed back to April 10th.
"The shooter's first piece of downloadable content was originally drafted for release this Thursday, April 3, and the last we heard it was going through Microsoft's sometimes lengthy submission process - so maybe that's the problem. Although we played them last Friday and they were all well and good.

The 800 Microsoft Point pack (about six English pounds) supplies four new maps - Creek, Killhouse, Chinatown and Broadcast. Some, like Broadcast are based on single-player locations, where as Chinatown (unless we've missed something great) is a totally new Asian environment for getting your frag on".
Of course, taking the date into account this may just be someone's idea of a joke, new info should be available soon, we hope.

Source: CVG

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