Little has been said by the Dev team about what will happen to Marcus Fenix and his team in the next instalment, the only clue being a Demo video for the revised Unreal Engine also showcased at GDC this year. Despite Epics silent treatment, new information has emerged, straight from the mouth of Marcus Fenix (and Futurama's Bender) voice actor, John DiMaggio:
"We're doing Gears of War 2 right now; we're in the middle of production," he revealed. "I'm reprising my role as Marcus again. I'm doing one of the characters, Franklin - those are the two that I'm reprising."Clearly the Guy is excited about the prospects of next game, as are we. Gears 2 is set for a November 2008 Launch, that's as long as Mark Rein hasn't already killed John.
Franklin's return is surprising, if not a bit baffling because he wasn't exactly the most interesting of characters. What is exciting however, is confirmation that we'll finally be able to take on the gigantic Brumak (we're not paying attention to you, PC gamers)...
"It's badass. In fact, I saw some of the stuff yesterday! Which level was it? It was, well listen, there's bigger beasts in this game. Bigger beasts. Remember the scene with the Brumak, when the Brumak comes out and we're like 'Brumak! Roll! Get outta there!' and it's coming after them - and they don't have a fight with him? Well, they fight him now"
Source: CVG