Friday, 19 September 2008

SNK Talks KOFXII Graphics

When it comes to graphical splender games like Killzone 2 and Gears of War always crop up near the top of the lists, however these games cant be described as art. King of Fighters, whilst maintaining its classic 2d art style can most definitely be described as art. The hand drawn characters and animated 2d sprites of the KOF seroes are regarded as some of the best in the industry.

Speaking at the Tokyo Amusement Show, King Of Fighters XII producer Masaaki Kukino talked about SNK upcomingh fighter and also their classic graphical style.
Overall, it's a very hard process that could take 16 months for even an experienced designer to do alone. In terms of data, the character size is about four times larger [than in previous installments]. But when considering the extra errors that come about in doing the [bigger] pixel art, the trouble is more than four times what it used to be.

Each character in KOFXII has around 400 to 600 [sprite] patterns. Every single one of them is hand-drawn, and it's something that we're proud of. I'll only say it here, but we believe that this is something that no other company can imitate, something that only SNK Playmore can do.

Source: Kotaku

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