Our date still stands as October 24, but the original Oct 29 date announced for Europe has changed to Oct 22. US gets it first on Oct 21.As well as this Sony has revealed a Gears "Emergence Day" esk DLC event for the launch week.
"This is only the beginning," said Sony. "We won't be taking it easy just because we have started to manufacture the game! Media Molecule and SCE have a long-term commitment towards expanding the world of LittleBigPlanet and working hard to make sure that our fans get amazing new content and features via PlayStation Network.The game comes with 50 pre-built levels on the disk as well as a fantastic level editor so the possibilities are nigh on endless.
"To start with, there will be a free Spaceman costume for Sackboy, perfect for preparing to launch! There will also be a rare "Week One" Sackboy t-shirt to prove that you were there at the start. Both items will be available for a limited time only."
Source: CVG